BPCS-186 Managing stress Unit-1 Stress : An introduction, free notes available to exam point of view.



  1. Concept of stress
  2. Measurement of stress

These two topics are very important for unit-1. So, you all should read it carefully, below we have explained the full chapter very well, you will understand it very quickly.



  1. Introduction
  2. Concept of stress
  3. Nature of stress
  4. Source of stress
  5. Measurement of stress


Stress is the body’s reaction to any change that is experience, which requires an adjustment or response. The body reacts to these changes with physical, mental and emotional responses.

If stress is not identified and managed in time or regular basis it an have detrimental effects on the individual. His/her finctioring and productivity will decrease and it can also have a negative impact on the significant people in his/her life like parents, spouce, children, friends and even colleagues.

1.2 Concepts of stress

The termma of stress has been derived from ‘stringere’ that is a Latin word and means ‘ to draw tight’.

The origin of stress can mainly be traced to physical sciences.

During the 17th century it was exceedingly used to denote affiliation and hardships experienced by individual and during the 18th century it came to be described mainly in terms pressure, strain, or force. Through later it came to be cannon can be mentioned in this context, where he mainly studied the fight or flight reaction. The focus of the study by cannon was on the effect that stress has no animals as well asa humans.

Definition of stress :-

Lazarous and folkman (1984) “ A particular relationship between the person and the environment that is appraised by the person as taxing or exceeding his/her resources and endangering his/her well being”.

Truxillo (2016) “ The body’s reaction to a change that require a physical, mental, or emotional adjustment or response.

Stressors :-

  1. Responsibility
  2. Interpersonal conflicts
  3. School/work environment
  4. Emotional labour
  5. Life events
  6. Physical condition
  7. Role stressors

UNIT 1 EXPLANATION IN HINDI :- https://youtu.be/NcYsrx4SlmU

1.3 Nature of stress

Stress experience exceeds the optimal level of an individual, the individual may find it exceedingly difficulty to cope with it and it can have detrimental effects on the well being ( both psychological and physiological) and productivity and performance of the individual.

  • Types of stress :-
  • Eutsress
  • Neustress
  • Distress
  • Hyperstress
  • Hypostress
  • Symptoms of stress :-
  • Physical symptoms
  • Emotional symptoms
  • Behavioural symptoms
  • Psychological symptoms

1.4 Sources of stress

Stress can be categorised into three main sources :-

  1. Frustration
  2. Conflict of motives
  3. Pressure


Mangal (1984) “ A wide range of environment obstacles, both physical and social and the internal factors in the form of personal limitations, biological conditions and psychological barries may lead to frustrations of our needs, motives and efforts.

Conflict of motives :-

Stress as an individual has to choose between alternatives and decision making this regard can lead to stress four types of conflicts.

  1. Approach-approach conflict
  2. Avoidance-avoidance conflict
  3. Approach-avoidance conflict
  4. Multiple approach-avoidance conflict

Pressure :-

Pressure can be two external or internal pressure. External pressure are result demands from the environment, responsibility and obligations that are mainly social in nature as well as demand and expectations of the significant persons in our lives. Internal pressure are caused by our own self for maintaining the picture of oursleves as well we think we could and should be “.

1.5 Measurement of stress

There are various ways in which stress can be measured.

  1. Physiological measures
  2. Psychological test
  3. Checklist
  4. Interview


  1. Describe the concept and measurement of stress.
  2. Explain the concept of stress and also explain the types of stress.

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