- Relaxation techniques
- Mindfulness
- Biofeedback
These three topics are most important from the exam point of view. So, you all should read it carefully. Below we have explained the full chapter very easy way, you will understand it very quickly.
- Relaxation techniques
- Mediation
- Yoga
- Mindfulness
- Biofeedback
There are a number of physiological changes that take place in the individual who is experiencing stress.
A situation relaxation techniques can be effectively used, especially to reduce the muscle tension experienced by the individual undergoing stress.
Relaxation techniques help not only in relaving stress but they also help in dealing with anxiety, help sleep better, help in regulation of blood pressure, reduce headaches and migraine and soon.
This technique mainly involves contracting various body muscles and then relaxing them. The exercise can be carried out for approximately 15 to 20 minutes and could be practiced twice a day.
- It is to be practiced in a place that one finds comfortable.
- Preferable it needs to be carried out at a time when there are least distractions.
- It needs to be carried out which belief in one self and should not be hurriedly carried out.
- Any drugs or meditications should not be used for relaxation and those on medication may practice after seeking medical advice.
- Caution must be maintained by persons suffering from problems like backaches, fractures and other injuries.
Mediation is the English word for Sanskrit term ‘Dhyana’. It can be described as a process of “ quieting the mind in order to spend time in thought for relaxation with a goal to attain inner state of awareness and intesift personal and spiritual growth”.
Meditation not only leads to relaxation of body but it also help in increasing self- awareness. And regular practice of meditation will have long term benefits.
There are different types of meditation :-
- Mindfulness meditation:- It helps to aware about one’s thoughts.
- Transcendental mediation :- A ‘ Mantra’/ chant or a word repeatedly in certain manner.
- Guided meditation :- This meditation mainly involves visualisation of certain images.
- Vipassana mediation :- Aim to mediation is self-observation is order to transform oneself.
- Loving kindness mediation (metta mediation) :- Directing love and kindness towards other’s.
- Chakra (means wheel) mediation :- There are total seven chakras that are located in different ports of our body and each chakra is represented by a colour.
6.3 YOGA
Yoga as a practice originated in India and the term yoga, is dervied from Sanskrit meaning ‘ to unite’.
The main goal of yoga is self-realisation.
Three main types of yoga have been mentioned in thus regard.
- Karma yoga :- That is yoga related to one’s action.
- Bhakti yoga :- Yoga related to devotion.
- Jnana yoga :- That is yoga related to knowledge.
There is also fourth type that was put forth by Patanjali. He introduced ‘Ashtang Yoga’ that is ‘ power yoga ‘.
Types of Asanas
- Padmasana
- Sukhasana
- Sidhasana
- Vajrasna
- Trikonasana
- Bhujangasna
- Pranayam
Mindfulness denotes awareness about one’s thinking, the way one feels, physical senesatiins and one’s surrounding in the present moment.
Mindfulness involves becoming aware and focusing our attention on these activities. It is also important that when mindfulness is practiced, one involves in observing one’s experiences including thoughts, feelings and physiological sensations.
Practicing mindfulness can have a positive impact on an individual’s body and mind. It not only helps in dealing with certain illnesses by strengthening one’s immune system but it also helps deal with stress and promote positive mental health. Even memory, attention, problem solving and decision making can improve with the help of mindfulness.
Biofeedback can be obtained from breathing, blood pressure, heart rate, etc that mainly includes measurement of amount of sweat on skin, temperature of sking, tension in muscle and soon.
When stress is experienced, there are various physiological changes that take place in the individual experiencing stress. When individual becomes aware about these changes with the help of biofeedback, he/she will be in a better position to manipulate and control them.
- Explain meditation and yoga as techniques of stress management.